their first residential project of 2010 — and boy,
what a commanding aesthetic statement it makes.
Brilliant artwork fills this striking Madrid home
owned by fashion designer David Delfin
and photographer Gorka Postigo.
by Juan Gatti.
Delfin & Postigo's home could be viewed as
inappropriate — or even censored to certain ages by some.
To me, it just clearly defines the artists that live there
in a clear and honest way.
Human sexuality is referenced throughout the home
through artwork, props, and the juxtapositon of
rooms and private spaces.
I love these Charlotte Perriand chairs. The artwork is by Postigo.

inappropriate — or even censored to certain ages by some.
To me, it just clearly defines the artists that live there
in a clear and honest way.

through artwork, props, and the juxtapositon of
rooms and private spaces.

photography by Manolo Yllera
LOVE this post... thanks for sharing. :)