Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cool Vintage Finds...

Check out this vintage handpainted Indian Motorcycle
advertisement. Pretty cool, huh? I think the antique
boxing gloves are a nice touch as well. This could take
some lucky gentleman's "man cave" to a whole new level.
Both available at Finderskeepers Market
(859.499.4200 or 859.913.0611)
sign, $275 / boxing gloves, $139


  1. Stunning. Love this, J, the boxing gloves are a great accent to it as well.

  2. like the look and not questioning the authenticity but as a Springfield, MA native and home to the company in question, "Indian Motocycle" was the way of spelling it.

  3. As the image states -- the sign is "handpainted" and not an official promotional piece made by the company.
