We shared a wonderful, blessed Christmas
with Randy's family in Morehead, but boy
am I feeling the results. I've consumed
way beyond my reasonable limit this holiday
season and feel the need to get back on track
with healthier eating habits. Still, we
sure had a lot of fun. We celebrated Christmas
Eve at Glenna's (Randy's sister) house with
some game playing, tons of nibbles, and more
laughter than you could even imagine.
Christmas day started off, once again, at Glenna's
house with Christmas breakfast, unwrapping
presents, and a cozy nap beside her lovely
tree. Later on, we headed to Mitch and Patty's
(Randy's brother and sister-in-law) house for
Christmas dinner.
I feel so blessed to be a part of such a
wonderful, loving family!
Here's wishing you all the same sense
of love and acceptance this
holiday season and all the year through!